
12 Ways To Curb Your Spending

A particularly effective means of draining your bank account is to do so in small doses. Twenty-dollar withdrawals from the ATM feel so petty that it doesn't seem harmful to go through half a dozen of them over the course of a few days. Of course, when the monthly statement comes in, it becomes clear just how damaging they really are.

An obvious remedy to this situation and curb your spending is to cut down on trips to the ATM by withdrawing a lump sum of cash every week. Then again, old habits die hard and you might just find yourself taking out the big amounts with the same frequency that you did the smaller ones.

So how's this for an alternative solution: Eliminate the need for some of those small withdrawals by making some minor adjustments to your spending habits. For instance, cutting out the traditional post-work beers one night of the week might save you $20. Over the course of a month, that small sacrifice will keep an extra $80 in your account.

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